'This was a Major Task for All University Services'
July marked the end of the first HSE academic term conducted entirely in remote format. Specialists of the eLearning Office and Digital Services told HSE University Life how they prepared for it and which problems they encountered.

‘Proctoring Increases Risks for Those Who Want to Copy at Exams’
Albert Belkov, a third-year undergraduate student at HSE ICEF, has taken three proctored exams this spring and summer—in Optimization Theory, Macroeconomics, and Financial Mediation. He shared his experiences with the HSE News Service.

‘In the Reality of the 21st Century, an Online Form of Examination is a Necessity’
On June 10, the examination period began at HSE University, and some of the exams are being administered through the use of proctoring technology. This type of exam was trialed on some programmes in May. Below, undergraduate students and a study office employee who worked as a proctor share their experiences of proctored exams.
Proctoring: How to Ensure the Integrity of Online Assessment
17% of HSE’s spring-summer session exams will be administered with proctoring software that ensures the integrity of online assessment. Read on to learn how proctoring software is used at HSE University and what its advantages are over traditional in-person monitoring in the classroom.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025