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Up: A Week in a ‘Lift’ With Nobel Laureate

Last week Eric Maskin, Nobel laureate in economics, Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University (USA), Chief Research Fellow at the HSE International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis, participated in the work of the International Advisory Committee for the HSE Development Programme and made a presentation at a conference dedicated to V.M. Polterovich, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. What else did the programme of the prominent researcher’s visit to Moscow contain and what did he manage to do during the week?

Visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the HSE

On June 3rd Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea in Moscow, Lee Younho, visited the Higher School of Economics in order to discuss plans for developing cooperation.

Structure of the HSE: Bridging the Gaps

On June 3rd, the HSE Academic Council made several decisions regarding the future of some university departments.

Development of the University: Evaluations by IAC Members

On May 30th a meeting of the International Advisory Committee of the HSE Development Programme took place at the HSE. The committee was formed in early 2010 and this was its first full assembly.

‘The Russians are Ready for Innovations’

On April 6th a session on ‘Culture and Innovations’ as part of the XII International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development took place at the HSE.

Lessons of the Crisis for the Economic Theory

On April 4th Marek Dabrowsky gave a public lecture on ‘The global economic crisis: some lessons for the economic theory and economic policy’ at the HSE. The event took place as part of the XII International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.

Evgeniy Yasin: ‘Our Conference is Interesting and Useful to All’

On April 5th the XII International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development will start at the Higher School of Economics. Evgeniy Yasin, Academic Supervisor of the HSE, told us about the topics of the conference and its relevance.

‘The Mix of Policy Debates and Academic Discussions’

On the eve of the XII International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development which will take place from April 5th – 7th at the Higher School of Economics, some of the forum’s international participants answered a few questions from the HSE news service.

To ‘Mark’ the HSE on the World Map

Martin Carnoy, Professor at the Stanford University (USA) and Academic Supervisor of the HSE International Laboratory for Educational Policy Research, told us about some of the tasks and plans for the Laboratory.

‘The Work Will Continue Independently Of My Location’

John Nye, Professor at George Mason University (USA), who has recently become the Academic Supervisor of the HSE’s International Laboratory for Institutional Analysis of Economic Reforms, told us about his view of the laboratory’s activity.