Sergey Yakovlev
- Member of the HSE Academic Council
- Sergey Yakovlev has been at HSE University since 2001.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- Portuguese
- Contacts
- Phone:
+7 (495) 772-95-90
27070 - Address: 11 Pokrovsky Bulvar, Pokrovka Complex, room T814
- SPIN-RSCI: 3742-2450
- ORCID: 0000-0001-5443-5198
- ResearcherID: K-5865-2016
- Google Scholar
- Supervisor
- V. Radaev
- Assistant
- K. Khodyreva
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Education, Degrees and Academic Titles
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Lomonosov Moscow State University
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Professional interests
- Economic development
- Development of higher education in Russia and other countries
- International competitiveness of Russian higher education and its integration in the international community
Courses (2022/2023)
- Foundations and Current Issues of Higher Education (Master’s programme; Institute of Education field of study Management, field of study Management; 2 year, 1 module)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2021/2022)
- Foundations and Current Issues of Higher Education (Master’s programme; Institute of Education field of study Management; 2 year, 1 module)Rus
Courses (2020/2021)
- Foundations and Current Issues of Higher Education (Master’s programme; Institute of Education field of study Management; 2 year, 1 module)Rus
- 2014
Global Institutions Symposium (Лондон). Presentation: «Building the links with business to increase ICEF-HSE students’ employability»
Joint Education Programmes between European and Russian Universities. Innovations and transformation in International Education (Москва). Presentation: «Quality assurance (QA) in joint programmes as a way to international recognition»
- 2012
III Международная конференция Российской ассоциации исследователей высшего образования «Рождение и возрождение университетов» (Москва). Presentation: Кейс создания и развития МИЭФ НИУ ВШЭ: опыт и уроки
- 2005
VI Международная научная конференция «Модернизация экономики и выращивание институтов» (Москва). Presentation: Совместные программы российских вузов с зарубежными как средство интеграции в международное образовательное сообщество
More than 30 publications in Russia, including:
- "На пути к международному признанию: кейс МИЭФ", "Университетское управление", № 2, Июнь 2016
- Учителя // В кн.: Поколения ВШЭ. Учителя об учителях. М.: Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2013. С. 240-242.
- "Factors and Models of Academic Success of Double Degree Programme in Economics". pp 1386-1395. Book of Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference, Paris, France, 5th April 2013 (with Oleg Zamkov).
- "Прямые инвестиции" № 5 , 2007, "Мировой институт".
- Университетские инновации. Опыт Высшей школы экономики", Издательский дом ГУ ВШЭ, Москва, 2007, Глава "Международный институт экономики и финансов (МИЭФ) как модель программы двух дипломов",1 п.л.
- РБК daily, "Университеты должны становиться предпринимателями", 25.05.07, 1,5 п.л.
- "The drive to study is a sign of the times", "The Daily Telegraph", 26.04.2007.
- Модернизация экономики и выращивание институтов", "Совместные образовательные программы как инструмент интеграции российских университетов в международное образовательное пространство", изд. ГУ ВШЭ, 2005, 1 п.л.
- "Интеграция высшего образования в Европе: Болонский процесс и его значение для России", "РЕСЕП", 2005г., 1 п.л.
- "Мягкий путь вхождения российских вузов в Болонский процесс", 2005г., Москва, ОЛМА Пресс, 15 п.л., один из редакторов и авторов (2,5 п.л.)
- "Парламентская газета", "Не ставьте преподавателя в угол" (о проблемах высшего образования)", 2004г., 0,4 п.л.
- "Российская Федерация сегодня", № 9, статья "Какое образование сегодня конкурентоспособно", 2004г., 1,5 п.л.
- "Университетское управление: практика и анализ", № 5-6, Екатеринбург, 2004г., 0,5 п.л.
- Научная редакция перевода на русский язык учебника "Экономическое развитие", М.Тодаро, 1997г., Москва, издательство ЮНИТИ, 50 п.л. (в соавторстве)
- "Интенсификация экономики: масштабы и проблемы", АПН, 1986г., на португальском языке, 4 п.л. (в соавторстве)
- "Научно-технический прогресс и цены", Москва, издательство МГУ 1976 г., 6 п.л. (в соавторстве)
Employment history
1997 till present – Director of the HSE International College of Economics and Finance
1997-2001 – National Foundation of Staff Training, Innovation Educational Project, Deputy Director, Acting Project Director
1985-1988 – State Law Institute, Guinea-Bissau, professor of economics
1975-1997 – Moscow State University, Economic Department, senior lecturer, associate professor, deputy dean for international relations
Big celebration! ICEF Held the Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor’s and Master’s Class of 2024
Hosted in HSE Cultural Center, the ceremony welcomed in its crowded hall 200+ graduates who were joined by their parents, faculty, leaders of HSE and ICEF, and guests.
We Wish You All a Great Year: ICEF Freshmen Welcome Event
On 31 August, ICEF’s newly enrolled undergraduate students gathered at HSE campus on Pokrovsky Boulevard for the Freshmen Welcome Event. Following the presentation of the learning process, university policies and on-campus activities, the students have been issued their Student ID Cards. The briefing covered also the class schedule and other essential aspects about ICEF, but most importantly it encouraged everyone to meet one another.
ICEF MSc Programme in Financial Economics: Today and Tomorrow
The Master’s in Financial Economics at the International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) provides students with a solid theoretical foundation in economics and finance while teaching hands-on skills under the guidance of experts from academia and industry. With the 2022/23 academic year now over, faculty reflect on the programme’s successes and future prospects.
ICEF Celebrates the 2023 Graduation Ceremony
ICEF’s 2023 graduation ceremony was held in HSE Cultural Centre and celebrated the graduation of the 23rd class of bachelor’s and the 15th class of master’s students. The two classes were awarded their degrees and delivered graduation speeches before an audience of ICEF faculty, HSE leaders, staff, and families.
HSE University Expands Middle-Eastern Partnerships
An HSE University delegation took a working trip to the United Arab Emirates, where it participated in the Third Forum of the Federation of Rectors of Russian and Arab Universities and finalised cooperation agreements with UAE University.
‘The Difference between Entrepreneurs and Managers Lies in the Readiness to Risk’
Alexander Zayonts, Founder, President and CEO of the Hoff hypermarket chain, delivered a talk on ‘Promoting Business Under Restrictions’ as part of a series of sessions with leading Russian practicing economists and entrepreneurs. Alexander has a place on the ICEF Endowment Fund Board of Trustees. The event was moderated by HSE University President Alexander Shokhin.
HSE Students Met with HOFF Hypermarket Chain Founder
Alexander Zayonts, Founder, President and CEO at Hoff hypermarket chain, delivered his talk, entitled “Promoting Business Under Restrictions”, as part of a series of sessions with leading Russian practicing economists and entrepreneurs. Alexander has a place on ICEF Endowment Fund Board of Trustees. Acting as the moderator was HSE University President Alexander Shokhin.
ICEF Celebrates the Freshers’ Day
Led by the managers of ICEF and its bachelor’s degree programme, the event has introduced the newly admitted students to ICEF, its organization of teaching, alumni community and how and where to seek support and assistance. The day involved the tour of the campus where the students met with their tutors and got advice from seniors.
ICEF graduation ceremony hosted by HSE Cultures Centre
ICEF hosted its first in-person graduation ceremony since the pandemic led to restrictions. Diplomas were awarded to two classes. Hosted by HSE Cultures Centre, the day-long ceremony unfolded in sessions, one for Bachelor’s students and one for Master’s. Congratulating graduands were the faculty of ICEF HSE and professors of the University of London (LU) and the London School of Economics (LSE).
Shakespeare, yoga, self-isolation: ICEF students share their experience of LSE Summer School 2021
Every year, ICEF awards its best-performing undergraduate students with trips to LSE Summer School at the London School of Economics, a key member institution of the University of London (UoL). While last year the School delivered its courses online, this year it offered its participants a choice between online and offline learning – and many chose to come to London despite challenging travel restrictions due to COVID. In this interview, our students share which mode they chose and why, how PCR testing services work at universities in London, what made their travel challenging, and, most importantly, how they found their experience.
'University molds our personalities. Its role is not merely to teach us model building'
Yulia Chekunaeva graduated in one of ICEF’s first classes in 2003. She chose to do her master’s at the University of Warwick and then worked at Sberbank and Goldman Sachs. Yulia is currently Director for Capital Markets & Strategic Initiatives and a Board member at En+ Group, the world’s leading producer of low-carbon aluminum and renewable energy. In this interview, she tells about her student years in London and the USA, her passion for racing, and how new social values are re-shaping the business environment.
Soft Skills and Academic Qualifications: What tech giants seek in recent graduates
How has 2020 changed the agendas of the Internet companies? For which jobs the hiring is on the rise right now? What qualities do Internet companies seek in candidates? These and other questions have been raised by the round table New Trends in Internet Business During and After the Pandemic: What qualifications do Internet companies seek in new hires? Organized by HSE ICEF, the roundtable had among its speakers the alumni who are currently employed by Amazon, Stripe, SberMarket, Ozon, Yandex.
When the Borders Are Closed, Study ‘Abroad’ in a Double Degree Programme
This year, alternatives to studying abroad are as relevant as never before. HSE University annually launches new joint programmes with world’s biggest universities. One of HSE’s oldest and most recognized double degree programmes is the ICEF bachelor’s programme, in which students can earn a degree not only from HSE University, but from the University of London as well. Below, we talk about the advantages of such a degree, career opportunities after graduation, and the programme prerequisites.
HSE ICEF Receives High Praise from University of London
The University of London (UoL) has completed the monitoring of the performance of Teaching Centres that operate under the Teaching Centres Recognition Framework. Upon consideration of the information gathered, the performance achieved by International College of Economics and Finance has been rated as excellent.
Graduates of HSE ICEF Receive Degrees in Ceremony at British Ambassador Residence
Graduates of HSE University’s International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) traditionally receive their degrees against a backdrop of grand fireplaces, an oak staircase, and a balcony overlooking the Kremlin. This is because the ICEF holds its commencement ceremony at the British ambassador’s residence on the Sofiyskaya Embankment. And this is not by accident. Graduates of the ICEF’s bachelor’s programme receive two degrees from HSE and the University of London, respectively, while graduates of the ICEF’s Master’s Programme in ‘Financial Economics’ receive a degree from HSE and the London School of Economics. This year marked the ICEF’s 19th commencement ceremony.
New HSE Complex on Pokrovsky Boulevard Welcomes Students
HSE University commenced the new academic year with a housewarming party marking the long-awaited opening of its new campus complex on Pokrovsky Boulevard. Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov, Academic Supervisor Evgeny Yasin, and vice rectors of the university took part in the event to welcome students, faculty, and staff.
HSE Staff Members Receive University Medals and Notes of Acknowledgement
On October 22, some university staff members were awarded HSE medals and notes of acknowledgement from the Rector.
It’s Only the Beginning for the ICEF Graduates of 2018
On September 13, 230 graduates of ICEF-UoL Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes received their diplomas. The history of HSE's collaboration with the London School of Economics of the University of London spans more than 20 years and demonstrates the integral role that international cooperation between universities plays in academic, research, and cultural development. The graduates of 2018 are sure to continue this tradition.
Short Lists for Golden HSE
The second stage of the Golden HSE competition has come to an end, and the short-listed nominees have been announced.
‘You Showed Tenacity, and You Succeeded.’ How ICEF Celebrated Its 20th Anniversary
The HSE International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) is turning 20. The college celebrated its anniversary with a gala at the Pushkin Museum and with its largest graduating class ever.
International College of Economics and Finance: 20th Anniversary
International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) was created at HSE in 1997 with the academic support of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), with the aim to provide students with up-to-date and world-class education in economics and finance. This year ICEF turns 20 years, and ICEF Director Sergey Yakovlev talked to The HSE Look about the milestones of ICEF development, its contribution to HSE as a whole and plans for the future.
‘The Main Thing You Learn at ICEF is How to Think’
The 16th graduation ceremony for ICEF students of HSE and the London School of Economics has taken place at the residence of the British Ambassador to Russia. This year’s ceremony had a record number of graduates, with nearly 190 bachelor’s and master’s students receiving their diplomas.
The Institute that Helps Russia and Britain to Understand Each Other
On 15th September theInternational College of Economics and Finance ICEF held its Graduation ceremony at the British Ambassador’s residence in Moscow for the 15th year in a row. At the ceremony, students were awarded their diplomas for the Double Degree programmes run jointly by ICEF and the London School of Economics.
From My Point of View, That Was the Best Outcome
Artem Neklyudov, ICEF BSc Graduate 2007, last year completed his PhD in finance at Carnegie Mellon university. In this interview he talks about what influenced his decision to become an academic, how to find work after graduating, and why research involves teamwork.
One Way Towards International Recognition
Sergey Yakovlev presented at 'Joint Education Programmes between European and Russian Universities’ conference. The conference was organized in Moscow by the Delegation of the European Union to Russia.
ICEF Awards Thousandth Diploma
On September 11, the International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2014 at the residence of the British Ambassador to Russia. Since ICEF was created 17 years ago and began carrying out joint programmes with the University of London International Programmes, the number of graduates has reached a thousand.
HRH The Princess Royal Visits the HSE
On February 4, 2014, Princess Anne, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, who is leading the UK delegation to the Sochi Olympics, visited the Higher School of Economics International College of Economics and Finance.
ICEF Graduates Get Diplomas
On September 25, 2013, the 13th HSE International College of Economics and Finance graduation ceremony took place at the residence of Timothy Barrow, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to the Russian Federation.
A Special ICEF Jubilee Graduation
On the 25th of September the International College of Economics and Finance held its graduation ceremony and a reception for alumni at the residence of the British Ambassador in Moscow.
The First International Moscow Finance Conference
On November 18-19, 2011 the Higher School of Economics (HSE) hosted the First International Moscow Finance Conference, organized by the International Laboratory in Financial Economics (LFE) and ICEF.
‘Convertibility of the Mentality’
On September 27th the 11th graduation ceremony of the HSE International College of Economics and Finance undergraduate and master’s programmes took place at the British Embassy in Moscow.