‘Promoting International Dialogue Is the Innermost Motivation That Brought Me Here’
Giovanni Pirari is a Research Fellow at the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue. He is interested in Russian language, history, and poetry, with a particular focus on visual and symbolic representation. In an interview with the HSE News Service, Giovanni discusses his spiritual understanding of the Russian language, his first encounter with the world of Dostoevsky, and his experience living in Moscow.

Connecting Space and Time: Bilinguals Associate Time with Space in Both Their First and Second Languages
An international team of researchers including scientists at HSE University investigated how bilingual individuals associate time with space. It turns out that in both their first and second languages, people associate the past with the left side of space and the future with the right. In fact, the higher the proficiency in a second language, the more pronounced this relationship becomes. The study findings have been published in Scientific Reports.

HSE University Participates in Youth Hiking Tourism Development Strategy
HSE University and the project team of ‘Hikes of the First—More than a Trip’ are working on a strategy to promote hiking tourism among young people through 2030. At the HSE University project session, honoured travellers of Russia, trail builders, and representatives from various institutions, such as HSE University and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia, came together to work on proposals. For three years, university experts were designing mechanisms for creating the infrastructure for hiking tourism, taking into account safety standards, eco-friendliness, and professional training for guides.

HSE University-St Petersburg Hosts Students from 12 Countries at the International Summer School
On July 10, HSE University-St Petersburg launched the International Summer School—a series of classes for students from India, Vietnam, the Republic of Korea and other countries. Foreign guests are getting to know the university, attending lectures in six fields of study, and enjoying an inspiring cultural programme.

HSE University Leads the AI Alliance Ranking
The AI Alliance Russia has released a new ranking of Russian universities based on the quality of education in the field of AI. Similar to last year, HSE University has joined the leaders in A+ group alongside MIPT and ITMO. A total of 207 universities from 69 Russian regions participated in the ranking. In 2024, over 35,000 students were enrolled in AI-related programmes at these universities.

HSE University at VK Fest: VR Games and Emotion Recognition
On July 13-14, 2024, the annual large-scale VKontakte festival took place at Moscow’s Luzhniki Stadium. HSE University, as usual, participated in the event. The university's tent featured a variety of activities, including emotion recognition challenge, quizzes about artificial intelligence, IT career testing, a smile detector, VR gaming, and a blue tractor equipped with a smart sprinkler system.

Open Air for Aspiring Experts in International Affairs: Internships in Africa, Mobility in Brazil
In early July, the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs (WEIA) on Malaya Ordynka hosted the annual Open Air Festival of its bachelor's programmes. In a relaxed atmosphere of the inner courtyard, guests interacted with WEIA administrators, faculty members, students, and graduates. Chinese characters and ice cream, origami and photo sessions, Portuguese desserts and Korean souvenirs, Turkish sweets, and African stickers were just a fraction of what guests could taste, enjoy, or win in quizzes testing their knowledge of the world.

HSE University and the Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications Sign Cooperation Agreement
HSE University, together with its Chinese partners, will be implementing the scientific project ‘Geometry and Physics,’ which won the ‘Academic Cooperation’ competition at HSE. The International Laboratory for Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms acts on behalf of HSE University. The Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA), represented by a team of renowned mathematicians including Fields medallists, will also be involved in the project.
Choosing the Right Server Results in Better Outcomes in Doubles Tennis
The Roland Garros tennis tournament, one of the most prestigious in the world, began on May 26. The prize money for this year's French Open totals nearly 54 million euros, with athletes competing in both singles and doubles events. In doubles tennis, choosing the right strategy for a match is crucial. Athletes' ability to adapt to the dynamics of the match and strategically choose the server can earn the pair up to 5% more points, according to Nikolai Avkhimovich, doctoral student and research fellow at the Laboratory of Sports Studies of the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences. A paper with the study findings has been published in Applied Economics.

'Motivation for Pursuing Big Goals in Life': What is Taught in 'Population and Development' Master's Programme
In 2023, the Master's Programme 'Population and Development' was ranked among the top educational programmes at HSE University. The HSE News Service explains what makes this programme special, and why specialists in population issues should study Python, housing policy, and public administration.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025