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Address: St. Petersburg, 3 Kantemirovskaya Ulitsa, Korpus 1, room 311
SPIN-RSCI: 5082-9950
ORCID: 0000-0001-9692-2744
ResearcherID: L-9248-2015
Scopus AuthorID: 57202817578
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Elizaveta Markovskaya

  • Elizaveta Markovskaya has been at HSE University since 2010.

Education, Degrees and Academic Titles

  • 2013
    Associate Professor
  • 2003

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD) in Economics and Management
    St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance
    Thesis Title: Intellectual Resources in the Enterprise Competitiveness

  • 2002

    Doctoral programme in 08.00.05
    St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance

  • 1999

    St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

Foreign internships:

University of Concordia, Wisconsin, USA, Faculty of Business, 1997,
University of Uppsala, Sweden, 1998,
University of Minnesota, USA, 2002,
The Baltic Institute, Tampere, Finland, 2009.
Additional education, advanced training courses:

"Business evaluation" - professional retraining, SPbSU, 2005, received a state diploma on professional retraining


International Financial Reporting Standards, International Banking Institute, 2004
"Project Finance and Project Analysis", Institute of Banking (Association of Russian Banks), 2008
"Project Management: Investment and Financial Aspects", SPbGUEiF, 2008
"Business Assessment" (advanced training), St. Petersburg State University, 2008, 2011, 2013, (100 hours in the framework of mandatory training in accordance with the Federal Law "On Appraisal Activities")
"Fundamentals of protection and use of intellectual property" (Baltic Institute of Finland, Tampere), 2009
Academic English Writing (2012, 2015 HSE)
Learning Management Systems, 2013, HSE
Business English (2012-2013, SPbGuEiF)
Instituto M. Cervantes, Madrid, Spain (2011-2014, Spanish at C2 level, passed the Dele exam at B2 level)
Budgeting and management accounting in the program BIT.Finans, 2013 (Training Center 1 C)
Enterprise Accounting 3.0 (Training Center 1 C), 2014

Economitrics, HSE, 2014
Courses of continuing education Coursera (Corporate Finance, English Writing, Escritura en Español) 2014: https://www.coursera.org/maestro/api/certificate/get_certificate?course_id=972237
Crafting an Effective Writer: Tools
of the Trade (Fundamental English
Fundamentals de escritura en Español, Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey, 2014

Advanced training courses in English Upper-Intermediate, HSE-2015
Business valuation (HSE), 100 hours, 2016
"Pedagogical Development Program: Principles and Practices of Education in Economics and Social Sciences" (CERGE-EI (Czech Republic), HSE (St. Petersburg), 2016

Foresight "Transformation of the appraisal sphere in Russia" (Agency of Strategic Initiatives, SROA "Expert Union") 
Exploring English: Language and Culture (British Council), (April-May, 2017) https://www.futurelearn.com/statements/d5y0f20
English for the work place (British Council) (July-August, 2017) https://www.futurelearn.com/certificates/l1k0o1r

March, 2017 Competences of the Future: How to teach?, seminar, HSE-SPb, https://spb.hse.ru/aup/oep/news/204094690.html
February, 2018, passed the state qualification exam of the Ministry of Economic Development in the direction of Business Assessment, issued a qualification certificate
May-July 2018, advanced training at the Ural State University of Economics, MRCPC Estimatika in the direction of "Real Estate Appraisal"

September, 2018, passed the state qualification exam of the Ministry of Economic Development in the direction of Real Estate Appraisal, issued a qualification certificate

-January 2019, First Aid  (on-line course) 

-Winter School: Digitalization in Education, Urait Academy, 2019

- English for Teaching Purposes ,The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB),2019 

-Winter School: Digitalization in Education:Main Trends and  Assesment of Achievement in Education, Urait Academy, 2020

- 2020- 2021 - Master classes dedicated to te online education  organised NRU HSE , FEI (Fund of Educational Innovations) 

-Financial economic forensic expertise, Moscow, Russian Economic University (Plehanova) , Forensic Association, Self Regulated Organization "Expert Council" 26 th of May, 2021

- Master class A. Damodaran 7 basic principles. Guide  for valuation , Business School Skolkovo, 18 of June, 2021

-Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination (West Virginia University, Association of Fraud Examiners)

- Real Estate Valuation (video course of A. Zumberg, stepik.org), September , 2021

- September, 2021, passed the state qualification exam of the Ministry of Economic Development in the direction of Real Estate Appraisal, issued a qualification certificate  

- October , 2022, passed the state qualification exam of the Ministry of Economic Development in the direction of Business Appraisal, issued a qualification certificate 

- November 2022-February 2023 , Budgeting in 1C ERP 

- Inclusive education for persons with disabilities , ANO My University, May,2023

Postgraduate Studies

Finished doctoral studies in SPBGEU

Awards and Accomplishments

 Благодарность от руководства ФРЦ (PDF, 780 Кб) (Award for participation in President Educational Program)

(PDF, 780 Кб)

 Благодарность от Центра развития некоммерческих организаций (PDF, 197 Кб) (Award from Centre of the Non-Commercial Organisationa Development)

 Благодарность от Правительства РФ (PDF, 183 Кб) - Award fro m the Goverment of Russian Federation

 Сертификат 1 за участие в конкурсе "Лидеры России" (PNG, 2,48 Мб) Certificate for the participation in the Program Leaders of Russia 

 Сертификат 2 за участие в конкурсе "Лидеры России" (PNG, 2,40 Мб) Certificate for the participation in the Program Leaders of Russia 

 Сертификат 3 за участие в конкурсе "Лидеры России" (PNG, 2,40 Мб) Certificate for the participation in the Program Leaders of Russia 

 Грамота за участие в конкурсе "Лидеры России" (PNG, 2,53 Мб) Certificate for the participation in the Program Leaders of Russia 


 Благодарность от бизнес-школы IBM (Vietnam) за участие в программе MBA в качестве профессора курса Performance Management (PDF, 223 Кб) Award from Business School in Vietnam for the Participation in MBA Program

Grants from the Educational Innovation Fund of HSE for the development of the following courses:  

Project Management (2014)

Financial Analysis (2014)

Performance Management (2016)

Economic Foundations of Management (2017) 

Corporate Finance (2021)

Flexible Methods of Project Management (2023) 

Financial Management (2024) 

Awards from Educational Comission for Performance Management Course (for innovative approach and high quality of materials)  -2016,2017,2018

Cerificate for the participation in the Competition Leaders of Russia (PDF, 819 Кб)

Letter fom HSE confirming my position of the Director of the Economics and Enterprise Management Program (PDF, 536 Кб)

Letter from the Regulating Organization Expert Council about my membership (PDF, 337 

In 2018,2021,2022 were sucsessfully passed exams and qualification certificates on Business Appraisal and Real Estate Appraisal  were given 

Certificate on the Business Appraisal (PDF, 1,74 Мб)

Certificate on the Real Estate Appraisal (PDF, 1,67 Мб)

Recommendation letter from the professional sphere (PDF, 132 Кб)


Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)

Courses (2021/2022)

Courses (2020/2021)

Courses (2019/2020)

Performance Management (Bachelor’s programme; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; 4 year, 3 module)Eng

Problem areas of research

Problem areas of research 

  • Analysis of peculiarities of Company’s Adaptation in uncertainty and its adoptive mechanisms
  • Assessment of the company's intellectual capital
  • Analysis of industry differences in the capital structure of companies
  • Optimization of the capital structure of companies
  • Development of a company value management model Identification of key factors of the value of companies  etc.

2021 - member of the conference textbook  committee SPbGPU  


  • 2024

    Итоги работы ООО Террапласт в 2023 Вебинар (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Итоги работы ООО Террапласт в 2023: Результаты размещения первого выпуска облигаций, планы по второму размещению. Взгляд финансового директора (организаторы Интерфакс,Русбондс)

  • 2023
    Повестка CFO на 2024 года: стратегия, тактика, ресурсы (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Особенности подготовки компании малого бизнеса к размещению коммерческих облигаций (Конференция организована аудиторско-консалтинговой группой Русаудит)
  • XIII Международная конфеенция по оценочной деятельности (Москва). Presentation: Кейс по оценке бизнеса компании с иностранным капиталом для особых целей (Конференция организована Ассоциацией Российских Банков, СРОО "Экспертный Совет", консалтинговой группой SRG)
  • 2021

    4 й Международный Семинар Школы Финансов Системные риски в финансовом сеткоре (Москва). Presentation: The Assessement the Probability of Enterprise Bankruptcy in Pandemic as a part of Systemic Risk Management (based on the airline companies case)

  • Финансово-экономическая экспертиза в уголовном процессе (Москва ). Presentation: Особенности проведения финансово-экономических экспертиз в случае исследования налоговых правонарушений (199 ст. УК)
  • 2020

    Analytics for Management and Economics Conference 2020 (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Peculiarities of the business appraisal approach in the project finance in the pandemic situation

  • 2019

    Innovative Technologies in Environmental Science and Education (ITESE-2019) (Санкт-Петербург ). Presentation: THE INFLUENCE OF CAPITAL STRUCTURE ON THE VALUE OF PUBLIC COMPANIES IN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY

  • 2018

    • National Research University- Higher School of Economics, Analytics for Management and Economics Conference (AMEC-2018), Saint Petersburg, Russia (Saint Petersburg). Presentation: Markovskaya E.I.,Holodkova V.V., Radushinsky D.A. Public-Private Partnerships: approach to financial modeling, risk analysis and effects assessment

  • Topical Problems of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Economics (TPACEE 2018) (Москва). Presentation: Implementation of energy service contracts in Russia

  • Topical Problems of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Economics (TPACEE 2018) (Москва). Presentation: Implementation of energy service contracts in Russia

  • 2017
    X Международная практическая конференция "Белые ночи фандрайзинга: Поиск средств для развития людей, организаций , территорий" (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Особенности оценки социальных бизнес-проектов
  • Социальные предприниматели и импакт -инвестиции" (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Диалог с инвестором:особенности подготовки проекта к презентации на экспертной (инвестиционной сессии).
  • International Science Conference SPbWOSCE-2017 “Business Technologies for Sustainable Urban Development” (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: E. Markovskaya, V. Holodkova, D. Radushinsky, O. Feoktistova and A. Borisova Public-private partnerships: approaches to assessing economic effects for stakeholdersMATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 170, 01047 (2018)

  • 2016
    Международная научно-практическая конференция "Развития экономики в нестабильной международной политической ситуации". Presentation: Институциональная матрица инвестиционного климата российской экономики: постановка проблемы
  • 2015

    Архитектура финансов: геополитические дисбалансы и потенциал развития национальных финансовых систем (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Особенности адаптации финансового сектора российской экономики к кризисным условиям

  • 15-я Юбилейная Международная научно-практическая конференция Экономическая психология:современные проблемы и перспективы развития (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: ПРОБЛЕМА ОТТОКА КАПИТАЛА ИЗ РОССИЙСКОЙ ЭКО-НОМИКИ: ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ ФАКТОРНОГО АНАЛИЗА
  • Международная научная конференция "Гуманитарные науки и современность" (Москва ). Presentation: Механизмы решения агентской проблемы в российской экономике

  • 2014

    Гуманитарные науки и современность (Москва). Presentation: Экономико-психологические особенности функционирования системы государственных закупок

  • XXIV международная студенческая заочная научно-практическая конференция "Нaучное сообщество студентов XXI столетия" (Новосибирск). Presentation: Что определяет выбор женщины в отношении рождения ребенка

  • Гуманитарные науки и современность (Москва). Presentation: Экономико-психологические особенности функционирования системы государственных закупок"

  • Четырнадцатая международная научно-практическая конференция "Экономическая психология: соременное состояние и перспективы развития" (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Сделки с участием стратегического инвестора как способ финансирования инвестиционной деятельности предприятий в период финансового кризиса

  • V Международная научная конференция "Современное общество и социальное развитие : проблемы и перспективы" (Москва). Presentation: Управление рисками в сделках стратегического инвестирования

  • 2013
    13-я международная научно-практическая конференция "Экономическая психология: современные проблемы и перспективы развития" (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Теоретические подходы к определению понятий "адаптация" и "адаптационный механизм экономических субъектов"
  • Международная научно-практическая конференция Взаимодействие науки, образования и бизнеса: Инновационные ландшафты Европы и России (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Проблемы и перспективы формирования инвестиционного механизма финансирования инновационной экономики
















Employment history


CV на английском (PDF, 140 Кб)

Professional experience 24 years in the sphere of corporate finance, investment and banking sector, business consulting sphere , including managerial experience   more than 20 years. 


Member of the Professional Association “Selfregulated organization of the appraisers “Expert Council”, Moscow  (appraisal certificate from 2005) https://srosovet.ru/

Member of the Baltic Educational Academy http://www.baltacademy.ru/

Head of the Program and Chairman of the Academic Council of the Program “Economics and Enterprise Management” https://spb.hse.ru/dopbusiness/catalog/207845878.html

Reviewer in journals Vestnik MGU, Corporate Finance Research 

2021 - member of editorial board of conferences organised by St Petersburg's Politechnic University   

Certified Business & realty appraiser (certificate of Ministry of Economic Affairs & Trade of Russian Federation, 2018), business consultant (specialization - business planning, investment projects evaluation, project management, developing of the budgeting & managing accouning systems) ,  forensic expert (specialization - bancruptcy , insolvency, public private partnership contracts, tax disputes, privatization disputes). Chief of consulting, business appraisal and forensic expertise in Consulting & Audit Group. 

Expert of the publishing house "Novgorodskie vedomosti", "Delovoy Peterburg", Garant

I have my own blog and page : http://www.banki.ru/blog/ElizavetaMarkovskaya/10006.php#comments 


Membership in the Professional Associations

Member of Association "Self-regulating organisation "Expert Council" (Moscow)

Member of Rusian Chamber of Forensic Experts

Member of the Baltic Educational Academy (St.Petersburg)

Timetable for today

Full timetable

How effectively have Russian small and medium-sized enterprises adapted to the sanctions of Western countries after the start of special military operation

A research group of students from the HSE campus in St. Petersburg: Andrey Shirshov and Ekaterina Kukovenko (BP International Business, 4 d year), led by Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Ph.D. Elizaveta Igorevna Markovskaya studied how the adaptation strategies of Russian small and medium-sized businesses, applied in response to sanctions from the United States and the European Union after the start of the special military operation, influenced the performance of firms in the short-term period.

Performance Management in Action

On March 15, Markovskaya Elizaveta, associate professor of te department of finance,  and Kolawole Shola, lecturer of the Department of Management, held an interactive defense of projects in the form of business game within the discipline “Financial Performance Management” (Master’s program “Data Analytics for Business and Economics”) with the participation of invited external experts and practitioners.

Lecture "How to work with different investors"

An investor and an attractive business idea: effective communications in the world of investments

In June, Associate Professor Markovskaya E.I. and Phd  student, guest tutor Meriam Sheriff from the Department of Finance conducted business games "Investor and an Attractive Business Idea" as part of the English-language course "Corporate Finance" (3rd year, BP "Economics"). In the format of model negotiations and pitch session, students acted as initiators of projects, and investors and lenders evaluated business ideas in accordance with the methods they developed for assessing an investment project and the financial condition of a potential Borrower.

Time waits for nobody!

In March, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Ph.D. Markovskaya E.I. and her colleagues from business sphere held 4 business games in groups 174,175,176, 177 (Bachelor Program "Economics"). The business game completed the Performance Management course, which is accredited by the Professional Association ACCA. For the first time, a business game was implemented in an online format.

More Strategies: Good Ones, Various Ones!

On March 14, as a part of the "Performance Management" course, business games were held, organized by Markovskaya Elizaveta (PhD, Assosiate Professor at the Department of Finance).

HSE St Petersburg Hosts Investment Session

Students of the Performance Management course at the Higher School of Economics in St Petersburg had the opportunity to take part in two English-language investment sessions in March 2017. Under the supervision of Elizaveta Markovskaya, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of Finance, HSE students as well as exchange students from Holland and Portugal presented their creative investment ideas in front of representatives of investment funds and businesses. Students themselves and external experts from L'oreal, Agat Investment Fund, and Factosphere consulting company played the role of potential investors.

HSE SPb Bachelor’s Economics and Master’s Finance Programmes Accredited by ACCA

The Bachelor’s programme in Economics  and the Master’s programme in Finance at HSE in St. Petersburg have successfully gained accreditation from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Graduates of the bachelor’s programme will now be exempt from two and Graduates of the master’s programme, from four ACCA exams.

HSE SPb Bachelor’s Economics and Master’s Finance Programmes Accredited by ACCA

The Bachelor’s programme in Economics  and the Master’s programme in Finance at HSE in St. Petersburg have successfully gained accreditation from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Graduates of the bachelor’s programme will now be exempt from two and Graduates of the master’s programme, from four ACCA exams.