Freelancers Value Freedom More than Money
The income and satisfaction freelancers get from their work depends largely on their professional self-worth. Education and experience are rewarded financially but these don’t determine an individual’s sense of job satisfaction. Researchers Denis Strebkov and Andrey Shevchuk presented these findings in a paper at the HSE XV April International Conference on Economic and Social Development – 'How does Human Capital Influence the Income and Job Satisfaction of Self-employed Professionals?'
Bart Taub: 'ICEF is the Academic Equivalent of a Start-up'
Bart Taub, Professor in Finance (Economics) at the Adam Smith Business School of the University of Glasgow, who will be visiting ICEF during 2014-2016, spoke to the HSE news service about his research and collaboration with ICEF HSE.
70% of School Leavers Move to Big Cities
Once out of secondary school, two thirds of young people leave their home villages and small towns never to come back. Russia's 'backwoods' are increasingly depopulated and rapidly ageing, notes Ilya Kashnitsky in his paper 'A Cohort Study of Intraregional Migration of Russian Youth' presented at the HSE's XV April Conference.
Companies Who Love Their Staff Will Be Rewarded
A company that makes more effort to encourage initiative among its employees, supports their professional growth, and cares for their well-being will find it easier to hang on to motivated workers and improve the chances of company success. At the HSE XV April International Conference Alla Kupreychenko showed how corporate social responsibility predisposes an organisation to good results.
Education: The Problem of Choice
Researchers believe that the educational system both reproduces inequality and promotes social mobility. On April 16, 2014, an international conference ‘School Choice and School Differentiation in Comparative Perspective’ ended in St. Petersburg. The event was organized by the HSE Education and Science Sociology Laboratory.
Russian Lawyers Need to Lobby More
The younger a lawyer is the more cynical his attitude towards his profession. In legal circles a readiness to sacrifice ethical and moral standards for financial gain is not uncommon. A report by the HSE Institute for Industrial and Market Studies (IIMS) suggests that change requires active engagement from lawyers’ associations and regular research investigations of the legal community.
Constructing Usable Pasts: Why Have Interdisciplinary Approaches to History?
Julia Lajus, Associate Professor at HSE Faculty of History, Senior Researcher, Center for Historical Research, HSE St. Petersburg, Co-chair of the Master’s programme in Applied and Interdisciplinary History and Vice President of the European Society for Environmental History (ESEH), spoke to the HSE English language news Portal about the subject of a conference hosted by the Faculty of History at St. Petersburg campus on 28-29 March 'A Usable Past: Applied and Interdisciplinary History'.
Dagmar Divjak on Cognitive Corpus Linguistics and Cooperation with the HSE
Dagmar Divjak is Reader in Slavic Languages and Linguistics and co-director of the Centre for Linguistic Research at the University of Sheffield’s School of Modern Languages and Linguistics.
Russia Ranks Eighth in the World by the Expenditure on Research and Development
In 2012 Russia spent 37.8 billion dollars on research projects (calculatied according to the rouble purchasing power parity).
About the Future of Corpus Technologies
The International Conference ‘Corpus Technologies and Computational Methods in Contemporary Humanities’ - ConCorT Junior – at the HSE Nizhny Novgorod on April 11-12, 2014 will bring together young researchers who work to advance computer technology in the humanities. An interactive exhibition in memory of Albert Camus, the French writer and philosopher, will open at the start of the conference.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025