Presentation of a new report “Soviet Nationalism in the Historical and Comparative Perspective»
The Laboratory for Comparative Social Research at the HSE Saint Petersburg opened the 2013 Fall seminar series today. Andrey Shcherbak, senior research fellow at LCSR presented a report on 'Soviet Nationalism in the Historical and Comparative Perspective'. He gave a short description of the major findings of his report to the HSE news service.
Energy Consumers and Suppliers Need to Work Together
The experts expect changes in the world energy market, and Russia and Japan can collaborate to develop a concept for energy security in the Asian region. Nobuo Tanaka, former Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, recently delivered a lecture at the HSE.
HSE Professor becomes a Member of the International Academy of Education
Andrey Podolsky, HSE Professor of the Graduate School of Education, has become the first scientist in Eastern Europe to be inducted as a member of the International Academy of Education.
Modernisation Kills Social Norms
Russia is a country with one of the highest levels of anomie – breakdown in social norms. It arises from the rapid economic growth combined with a weak system of social controls that Russia has experienced in recent years, according to research by Christopher Swader and Leonid Kosals.
Russia and Germany: Current Situation, Lessons, and Cooperation
An international workshop, ‘Germany’s Transformation after its Unification: Current Situation and Lessons for Other Countries’ was held on September 12th and 13th, 2013 at the HSE. The workshop was organized by the HSE in collaboration with the Liberal Mission Foundation and with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.
Asteroid Threat Discussed at HSE MIEM
How dangerous are asteroids for the Earth? What technologies can we use to protect the planet? These and other questions were discussed at a two-day seminar ‘The Solar System and the Asteroid Threat’ at HSE MIEM.
‘Exploring Entrepreneurship’ Summer School: Results and Impressions
Entrepreneurship influences economics, social relations, and the dynamics of global development, and, of course, it needs to be studied on an interdisciplinary level. The European Summer School ‘Exploring Entrepreneurship’, of which the HSE is a founder and participant, recently took place in Thessaloniki (Greece).
HSE has Held its Position in the QS World University Rankings
The Higher School of Economics has held its position in the QS World University Rankings in the 500-550 group. A Russian version of the ranking system was presented by RIA Novosti on the 10th September 2013.
Elites Change but the Regime will Live on
Authoritarianism has a future in Russia. In the next two decades, the 1980s generation will start to join the higher echelons of Russian society. But the situation is such that the change of generation of the elites will have little effect on the transformation of the political regime. Or so the authors of research on 'The Russian elite in 2020' have concluded.
Third LCSR Summer School Finished
How can we measure the level of happiness or the prevalence of any beliefs in society? Young scientists have mastered advanced statistical methods used in social research during the third summer school of the HSE Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, which recently took place in Zelenogorsk.